Building for the future...
...Catch the vision
CSMBC has been around in various forms since before 1824, but that’s when the first chapel was built. There were various other renovation projects through the years, but it was in 1983 that the old chapel was demolished and the current building put in its place. The lower floor was initially a car park before being filled in to create the Centre halls. So we want to continue that history of having contemporary and practical buildings.
As we move into the future, our plan is to create a more welcoming environment as people enter the main church building through a larger lobby with renovated toilet facilities, leading to a new entrance into the modernised worship area with a coffee bar and serving space. We’ll have a new crèche facility that will double as a comfortable, mid-sized café lounge and a refurbished prayer room.
In the centre we hope to increase the size of room 1 and install a movable wall in the main hall so we can partition it into two medium sized rooms. Outside we’ll have a temporary unit that will double as storage and another meeting space.
Catch the vision...
...building together
When the Israelites returned from exile with Nehemiah, they were faced with a huge task of rebuilding the ruined walls. Thankfully we’re not rebuilding ruins, but the way in which they did it can work for us too. Inspired by God, they made freewill offerings and gave their time and energy into working alongside one another, each family responsible for one section of the walls. And so today, using our financial and practical gifts, we too can work alongside each other, not only to build premises, but also our community in the process.
...flexible premises
From Toddlers to Tea Break and Kidzone to Cosmic, all ages use our church premises. In fact it’s used most days of the week for prayer, teaching, outreach and community activities, as well as being hired out for use. So having renovated facilities and new mid-sized rooms, including a comfortable café lounge and coffee bar area, we’ll have more options and greater flexibility in how we use the building to reach out.
We also plan to remove the garden area between the car parks in front of the church and have movable planters, so our parking space can be more flexible.
Vision for growth...
In order to facilitate being a place where all ages want to come and worship, we need a building that is fit for purpose, inviting and engaging for the community.
“Expect great things from God,
attempt great things for God.”
William Carey
CSMBC’s continuing vision for Relational, Spiritual and Kingdom growth means we want to be led and filled by the tangible presence of God, while we seek to be outward looking in every area of church life. Having excellent premises is part of that ongoing vision and will help create an environment for all that to happen.
‘Grow before we go’
Strengthening our stakes and enlarging our tent
before going beyond our boundaries.
Isaiah 54:2,3
Proposed timescale
Phase 1: The Centre – complete by June 2015
Expand Room 1; Install room partitions in hall; Install temporary storage and meeting room unit outside.
Phase 2: Main Worship Area – begin Sept 2015
Change direction, decorate and modernise main room; New crèche facility and café lounge; Refurbished prayer room.
Phase 3: Lobby Entrance, Toilets and Coffee Bar – complete by end of March 2016
New glass front doors; Widen main entrance lobby; Renovate toilets; Create new entrance into main room with new coffee bar and serving space.
Play your part
We estimate the whole project to cost in the region of £81,000, but that’s with us doing much of the work ourselves. So what shape should our giving take?
God is generous and has blessed us in all sorts of ways. As believers, we are called to be imitators of God – in other words, joyous, generous and faithful givers. And this might mean time and talents as well as finances.
Please take time to seek God and pray about it. If after prayerful consideration you feel you wish to support the project, please take and complete a ‘Play your part’ pledge form. The completed form will allow the team to plan effectively. All returns will be treated in the strictest confidence.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9v7